Hogwarts Reinvented
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Post by Leighton Cross Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:30 pm

You must read the following.

-All user names must be your character's first and last name.
Inappropriate Names:
xharrypotterrulesx, Phoenix, BadWolf, Cx2xHxLove, etc.
Appropriate Names:
Leighton Cross, Kendra Lucas, James Parker, etc.

-You've got to respect other people on this site. That means that you must respect their beliefs, characters, and the things they've created.

-This site will have no limits when it comes to sex, drugs, alcohol, and mature themes. So, I know that some people aren't comfortable with it. When making threads that contain that, please put a rating or a warning. I would prefer it if you put a rating on each thread, but I'm going to be firm when it comes to threads with adult themes.

-If you have a question, you may post it +here or you may Private Message it to me. If I don't get back to you, you may PM it to the Deputy Headmistress, as she will get in contact with me immediately.

-There is no GMing (God-Modeling) allowed. The only time when GMing is allowed, is when the person gives you permission to do so. You are not allowed to kill, torture, or write the other character's actions for them. You are not allowed to control them.
GMing Example
Harry threw a curse at Malfoy, watching as he fell to the ground in agony

-Mary-Sues and Gary-Sues are not allowed under any pretext. Your characters must have flaws and have things that they are bad at. No one is perfect and your characters shouldn't be either.

-When posting, make sure it is in third person and past tense. And, the limit of words per post is forty. And before you start posting, you must have posted your profile and celebrity claim.

-There is no limit of how many characters you can have, but please keep them all active. If I find that you have an obscene amount of characters and only two of them are active, I will delete the others.

-When in the Chatbox, you may use any color you want. Except the color red. Red is for admins only. Please remember that.

If you have any questions, please PM me or the Deputy Headmistress

If you do not follow these rules, you will get two warnings, depending on the severity of the violation. If I find it fit, I will delete your character and block your IP address. So, please follow these.
Leighton Cross
Leighton Cross

Posts : 18


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